15Hatfields features in Condé Naste’s ‘top 16 sustainable things to do in London”

Recently, one member of the Venues Bankside collection found themselves featured in Condé Naste Traveller’s ‘top 16 sustainable things to do in London’, and for good reason.

Proud to be the UK’s most sustainable events venue, 15Hatfields has been hosting events with the planet in mind, since it was founded over ten years ago.

It’s impressive list of ecological credentials makes it a great venue for businesses wanting to cut their carbon footprint. 15Hatfields was made and decorated using natural materials, such as compostable carpet, old seat belts and paving stone-offcut walls.

It runs entirely on renewable energy, has scrapped single-use plastic and even supplies seasonal, responsibly sourced food from a local supplier.

Other initiatives and accomplishments include:

  • First venue in the UK to receive certification of the NQA Sustainable Development Management Scheme
  • Pursue a zero waste to landfill policy and introduced the latest energy saving devices, reducing its utility bills by 50%
  • A strict ‘no bottled water’ policy has prevented 1 million plastic water bottles ending up in landfill (we filter our own water on site and serve to clients in reusable glass bottles)
  • Distributed over 2 million wild flower seeds as part of our campaign to help save the decline of bees in London
  • Awarded the ISO 14001 certification in 2013. ISO 14001 is a framework of control for an Environmental Management System and means that 15Hatfields is fully internationally compliant.

It is fantastic to see venues in Bankside gaining recognition for leading the way in the future of sustainable events.

Read the full Condé Naste Traveller’s article here

Find out more about 15Hatfields and enquire for your next event here